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Весь контент Oddo

  1. Сколько будет жить сервер?

    bring 100% supplements to shop - server is dead. don't need them, thanks
  2. pic asmo side player - name is Kiwo all stigma quests are done, during the server down one quest was completed but stigma slot was not given. character is level 65. please help
  3. login server off

    since i can't find any russian/eng topic about that... i know i'll be glad getting some information...
  4. login server off

    server up
  5. Unbalanced factions, faction change ?

    there's a huge legion on asmo side called Reckless... they all speak english...
  6. Unbalanced factions, faction change ?

    there are enough english speaking legions even without joining my extra wh space buddy, gl on asmo side
  7. Restoration of Kahrun Mark

    i think the process goes like this: you pm the admin with the following screenshots: - picture of the items you bought -picture of the items you wanted to buy -pictures of you deleting the items(not selling, not placing in wh etc) but i guess @Heatbeat will have more info.
  8. server have no consumables

    You could level a twink to 50 and mentor to farm ingi balaur mobs... Whining about it won't solve anything. If I take myself as an example, I'm paying someone to craft these serums for me, while farming those Wright Tokens. You're not supposed to have everything easy in game. Edit: Pretty sure there are fine life/mana serum/potions recipes sold on npc.
  9. Shop

    unless you're using an american express, paypal should work
  10. Зависает клиент

    nado togda sprosit Kenpach / Tortik s naxoside, u nix win10 po ruski
  11. Зависает клиент

    nu ya viklu4il windows defender i u men'a vse norm, i tak u moix druzei u men'a comp po angliski, no dumau shto vi naidete vse
  12. Зависает клиент

    ya nashol problemu - windows defender real time protection delaet eto
  13. Зависает клиент

    da... vse u nas v komputerax 6600k 4.4ghz gtx1060 6gb 16gb ddr4 0fps screen freeze, dazhe doiti ne mogu
  14. Candy/Ailu removing automatically

    that's how the game worked at 4.6........
  15. Candy/Ailu removing automatically

    he said shouldn't, using slayer form / mau takes candy off
  16. Is it possible replacing items?

    hi, i recently bought a 65 ap gloves, enchanted to +10 and slotted with manastones. only later i realized that the item i bought is the rank1 and not the 2officer set item... is it possible replacing? i don't mind the enchant stones / manastones, just want the 2star item +0 clean... items have same price as i recall edit: aion eu are replacing items with same price, i hope it's the same here thanks
  17. Is it possible replacing items?

    info is correct. item is shown in inventory on first screen, then on second it's not there and chat says i discarded it(bottom right) thanks in advance oddo
  18. Is it possible replacing items?

    additional info, as you can see in the pictures, these are the prices / items in question. the Emissary's Divine Gauntlets that i have - cost 47 medals and 629774 ap in the camp i bought from, it also costs 47 medals and 850194 ap in north katalam. the gloves i want to have instead are the Seraph Gauntlets that cost 47 medals and 618324 ap. the item i want costs less ap, therefore it should be fair to just trade the item i have to the item i want. thank you Oddo
  19. healing delay

    i'm playing a cleric once a day on 2nd window, haven't felt a healing delay.. 100-120ms
  20. There is a player in our legion who has komodo firewall and had the same issue, and although people here say you must delete the firewall - he found a way. I will speak with him and get back to you with a response. Unless the Komodo firewall issue has been fixed and I'm writing a wall of text for no reason.
  21. are you using komodo firewall?
  22. try deleting the bin32 folder and run a file check, it's one of the solutions admin posted on another thread.
  23. You are disconnected from the game server.

    try a file check from launcher, i had that few days ago
  24. Ping Reduction?

    can use a trial wtfast for 14 days using your paypal account and then cancel it on the 13th day