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Весь контент faye

  1. We need your opinion!

    Glory System - If you are innactive for more than a month your GP starts decreasing 500 points daily, until you reach army 2 star as to keep your gear Cera medals - 2 Ceras max per fort + composite bag / 4 Ceras Bastion / 2 Ceras per KKM PvP daily quests - kill 10 elyos/asmos in Katalam/Danaria get 15k ap Siege - If one faction gets to many forts, the losing faction should get pvp buff earlier (0/1 forts) / If a faction holds all abyss forts, the losing faction should have 1 rift open for KKM but if they want additional rifts they must do siege Pve events - 4 runs hyperion instead of 2 for a week / Shugo Tomb / Final bosses have higher chance of dropping temperings for a week / Event bosses drop special tokens which can be exchanged in ingame event shop for enchants/composites etc Pvp events - Active monthly system players with most pvp kills will get their name on website + get expensive skin from goldaion shop + 30 days title / Spawn bosses in pvp locations like mastarius/veille/silentera and if you are able to kill/defend it for one hour you get 300 GP FayeToday at 4:07 PM Faction balance - if one faction starts getting to many people it should'nt be closed, the losing faction should have incentives to lvl in that side so instead of x2 more xp it should have x4 more xp and once you reach 65 you get instantly 500 BM (if you are a new player you can see this directly at that screen that one faction has benefits and the other don't)(edited) Weekly BM quests - It should be the exact same but per garrison it should drop also special tokens (worse ones for example 10 makes 1 normal token) and they can again exchange it in ingame event shop for enchants/composites NEVER MAKE/GIVE: afk events / free temperings/manastones/composites / never make better or lower drop chances
  2. We need your opinion!

    Instead of making full reset every month, do it 6 in 6 months, and penalize players which are innactive for more than a month so that they start losing a huge ammount of GP if they don't play. (example: 1k per day) until they reach army 2 ofc so they can still use gear Remove afk events, that's the worst thing ever. Make active events, such as pvp events (example: open world pvp event who makes more kills in high ranks), arenas in pande/sanctum and when server is high populated introduce world boss events, such as the one official made in silentera, etc. Regarding dungeons, you should leave it as it is right now, don't boost or decrease drop chance. I don't agree not even a bit with the last post, people who reach max gear want active server to pvp/pve, they don't want to quit game because they don't have things to do, that happens only in dead servers. If you have new active events coming every week/month and server is active to actually participate on them, everyone will enjoy playing. You know what kills a server from start? Making people play 1 year to reach max gear, no one wants to play for farming, that's being a bot and not a player.