
Популярный контент

Показан наиболее популярный контент 05.12.2018 в Сообщения

  1. 3 балла
    омг) весь топ, что за асмо, что за нях, большая часть уже продана и не 1 раз, забаньте пол сервера аззазаз
  2. 1 балл
    Чуть ли не половина народа бегает на софте это норма, а вот перс по рукам пошёл - проблема.
  3. 1 балл
    Название ивента: "История Атреи" Раса: Асмодиане Место / Ник / Приз Мазила - Волшебный камень (ур. 130) (3 шт) 166000130 Ведунья - Волшебный камень (ур. 130) (3 шт) 166000130 Ринсвинд - Волшебный камень (ур. 130) (3 шт) 166000130 Раса: Элийцы Место / Ник / Приз Косой74 - Свиток входа в Каталамадж (1 шт) 188600237 (награда выдана на усмотрение администрации)
  4. 1 балл
    Обновлен ассортимент игрового магазина. Во вкладках Внешний вид оружия и Сеты появились внешки Геры и Теграка А так же
  5. 1 балл
    может быть их 3 брата ,тебе какое дело
  6. 1 балл
    Просишь забанить, так как не успел взять аккаунт?
  7. 1 балл
    тут столько человек продавали акки что если бы всех забанили серв бы уже закрыли хДД
  8. 1 балл
    За нарушение правил должна наступать ответственность, иначе их смысл нулевой, как и написавших эти правила.
  9. 1 балл
    Делать нечего, кроме как вычислять продавашек (вычислять, лол) ? Или ты считаешь, что военком ( как ранг/пользователь жёлтого чата) как-то влияет на тебя или расу?
  10. 1 балл
  11. 1 балл
    Here you can find most of the problems connected to the game launcher and game client. If you got any problem, read this topic first! Here you can find a solution for almost 90% of all cases. Before you start looking for your problem check the following: 1.DirectX. A sufficient version of the program can be downloaded from the official website . Open the file and choose any folder where the file will be unpacked. Then go to the folder and open the installing file .exe, it will install the program if necessary. 2.Microsoft Visual C++ . Download and install components from here 3.Download and install .NET Framework . 4.Check the game client with launcher or torrent. If you cannot use torrent to download the client, get it the other way. Launcher won’t download files without torrent as well. Here is the link for the game client of our server. If you get the following errors: Install DirectX. A sufficient version of the program can be downloaded from the official website . Open the file and choose any folder the files will be unpacked into. Then go to the folder and open the installing file .exe, it will install the program if necessary. Red textures with “Replace me” Check the whole client with our launcher or with torrent. Launcher error “insufficient disk space” and “Access is denied” Right-click on GoldAion folder and remove "Read only" attribute, click “apply” (choose then “Apply to all the files and folders in the folder”). Run the launcher. Status: Downloading... (speed 0Mb/s) First of all, wait for 10 min. If the downloading doesn’t start do the following: -make sure that torrent is not blocked for you. If it is so, download the client from here . -make sure that your anti-virus program/firewall hasn’t blocked connection (at the first launch on PC there is usually a permission request for connection. If you have blocked it, it won’t work). Possible problem - active anti-virus Add the game folder in the exceptions of anti-virus program. Attention! There are some kinds of anti-viruses which are still blocking the connection, even if you add files in the exceptions or close the anti-virus completely. They are Comodo (100%) and 360 Total Security. In this case, the only solution is to delete them from your PC. Sql.Launcher has stopped working -Download and install .NET framework and reboot your computer. -Make sure that anti-virus program doesn’t block the launcher. The best way will be to temporarily turn off the anti-virus and to try to start the launcher again. If you still cannot run the launcher: -Download the alternative launcher and put it in the game folder. -Download this file and put it in the folder bin32 in the game folder. Then right-click on the file > properties > “unblock” > apply. If you have already entered the game with launcher before, you should start the game with StartGoldAion.exe. If you have NOT entered the game with launcher before, you will have to manually apply localization files (interface language): 1.Open game folder 2.Go to L10n 3.Find the file en.loc 4.Rename en.loc into en.zip 5.After this the file becomes a zip folder. Now you should open it and drag the inner files into L10n folder. After finishing this you can run the game with StartGoldAion.exe. Error “No game server is available to the authorization server” If you are using launcher to enter the game, try to turn off your anti-virus program. There are some kinds of anti-viruses which are still blocking the connection, even if you add files in the exceptions or close the anti-virus completely. They are Comodo (100%) and 360 Total Security. In this case, the only solution is to delete them from your PC. If you are using the alternative launcher (StartGoldAion.exe): -Download this file and put it in the folder bin32 in the game folder. Then right-click on the file > properties > “unblock” > apply. Error “You have been disconnected from the server” Check your anti-virus program. The best way is to try turning it off and running the launcher again. If it works, then you should add the game folder in the exceptions of the anti-virus. There are some kinds of anti-viruses which are still blocking the connection, even if you add files in the exceptions or close the anti-virus completely. They are Comodo (100%) and 360 Total Security. In this case, the only solution is to delete them from your PC. Error “Failed to initialize/update the game” Check the client with launcher or torrent. If it doesn’t help delete the folders bin32, l10n and all the files (not folders) in the game folder. Then check the client with launcher/torrent. Error “This program is unavailable in your country” You are using another client, not ours. Check the client with launcher/torrent. Delete l10n folder, and update the client. Every time entering the game the graphic setting are disrupted or the input boxes/game buttons are shifted to sides so are impossible to click on Close the game, launcher, turn off torrent. Find and delete the files SystemOptionGraphics.cfg and system.cfg in the game folder. If you have not found your problem here, check the other topic.
  12. 0 баллов
    Неделю собирала с 4-х персов снег(200+штук), точила пыхтела, надеясь на чудо, а в итоге со всего этого вышла всего лишь одна снежинка+10, с которой выпало, кхм... АТАКА+7