
Популярный контент

Показан наиболее популярный контент 18.07.2018 во всех областях

  1. 2 балла
    Hi dear Administrators! First of all, I would like to know when will you try to "cheer up" the server it's starting to be pretty boring... events? As I remeber patch 4.6 was a beautiful patch, where you could go do pve and the most important part was pvp open world (that's why many ppl are looking for good quality server). ! Most of ppl who are playing here wants some pvp events which will help to develop the pvp in game and also will be rewarding ! You said that this server is perfect quality - try to prove it. You can't call server "good, perfect quality" if you're not trying to connect and expand pvp and pve system and me and my friends only hear from RU players that's going to be PvE server (wtf 4.6 only pve? ) If you don't have any solutions how to connect pve and improve pvp along than ask players I think we have a lot of ideas I would like to know if there is any point to invest time and money in this server as I'm more pvp player than pve Lastly are you planning to do some balance between ely and asmo? Thx for your answer o/
  2. 1 балл
    Right click on GoldAion folder, then properties, then uncheck "read only", apply for all folders and subfolders. Then copy version.dll in your GoldAion/bin32 folder and right click on it, then properties, check "unblock" mark (http://goldaion.com/file/version.dll) Then run launcher as admin.
  3. 1 балл
    Hello. Try to remove "read only" in the settings of GoldAion folder. Then check this:
  4. 1 балл
    -...- тож хочу засветить лицо -..-
  5. 1 балл
    Смотреть в фулл хд. Видео целиком и полностью собралось за 7 часов. Сделано для легкого просмотра, под одни из любимых треков :3 Приятного просмотра Hanzo
  6. 1 балл
    Лимит на продажу предметов бакалейщику составляет: 1-30 уровень - 39 900 000 кинар 31-40 уровень - 52 500 000 кинар 41-50 уровень - 87 150 000 кинар 51-55 уровень - 90 300 000 кинар 56-60 уровень - 105 000 000 кинар 61-65 уровень - 113 610 000 кинар в неделю Лимит рассчитывается на весь игровой аккаунт, а не на каждого персонажа отдельно! Обнуление лимита происходит каждую среду утром! Желаем приумножения ваших доходов, даэвы !
  7. 0 баллов
    The 4K/60FPS gonna be able withing the next 2-3h Subtitles and better quality gonna be able in the next 24h 0:00-1:50 (Story of f Gladiator) 1:50-3:00 (Intro) 3:10-6:00 ( Editing ) 6:00-11:00 ( some duels ) 11:00-12:00 ( ending ) Hope you like it Akhilleus