Hello dear users! As many of you know, on the operating system Windows 10 in the latest updates (above 1607) there are appeared some compatibility issues of the mouse driver and the game Aion versions below 5.6. We are predicted that there will be a lot of questions about this problem, so we decided to immediately clarify everything. On our server, there will be NO problems in the work of the mouse right button!
 Also, you will have no need to run any questionable programs and all three video modes (full-screen, pseudo-full-screen, windowed) will work correctly. We wrote a special library for the game client, which allows to solve all these problems. You won`t feel any discomfort if you have Windows 10 or some other operating system. You don’t need to do anything! All necessary files are already placed in our client! And if you are not using our client – just check it through the torrent.
  Thank you for your attention and enjoy the game! Sincerely, The GoldAion Team