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Весь контент Akhilleus

  1. Сколько будет жить сервер?

    OK , thanks for understanding English ( ) , and no need to translate to Russian . 1- If they put supplements of manastones 100% , the price will be around = 100-200rub , we need x42 to make full composites , minimum price 4200rub . Are you sure this is not pay to win ? If they put them 200 rub = 8400 ... 2- What is the actual price of composites manastones ? The most popular manastones right now are : Magic boost / Magical accuracy ( см/тм ) , Magic boost / HP ( см/хп ) and Attack/crit . Those stones RIGHT NOW , without supplements cost around 30-35kk/unity . If they put the supplements 100% in shop , the price of СМ/ТМ will be something around 150kk/unity , and I'm saying this out of joke . And with this you're only going to kill the game in 2 senses : -People that donate gonna be full gear in 1 night , and will be price of manastones gonna go crazy . -NO DONATE people will never be in full composites , because they can't buy 1 manastone for 120kk 3- Let's talk about titles : If 200rub/month you call that pay to win , I think you're having a big misunderstand of this term of P2W . The server need to be supported , and I don't mind to donate 200 rub / month ; 200 / month = 7rub/day ( be honest , it's nothing ) 4-Let's talk about Serums ( воды ) . As I have said up in the text . WE NEED EVENTS , where there's at the least 5% probability of Serums ( воды ) ; for the moment waiting , but I guess there is a limit of patience for everyone ( and some of them they left for this reason ) 5-I think you did not understood what I mean with ''sense of the game'' . You can or not live in the game , it's your life . But with sense of the game I mean , if they start making that shit in the shop , this server will be equal to AionLegend = 100% pay to win server . In one day you can make full accessories +5 , you just need to spend 6000 rub . You can get all the gear full composites in 1 day , you just need to spent another 3000 rub . You can get all the gear +18 , you just need to donate more and sell stuffs to get kinah . And now I ask you : WHERE'S THE SENSE OF THE GAME ? If you like to have everything ready from the first day , you don't need to spend your money , just go to NotAion , and you gonna get tired of the easy game in 1 week , and I will see you there back with us . I don't have full composites , I'm like you I don't really have big possibilities , but step by step improving and trying to get the supplements ( level III ) of 15% to get the composites .
  2. Сколько будет жить сервер?

    I'm not playing actively this last month , but I can say that many of my friends has left the game ,( over 20 of my known friends ) . Right that many people leave , and many others comes , but the point for the survival of the server it's to make '' interesting things '' in the server that make people want to keep playing , and invite new people to the server ( friends etc ) . I don't know what is the exact on-line right now , but I feel that the server has lost many players . The prices in the broker can prove this change in the server . Less number of players , less farming stuffs , some items got one really high price in low demand , knowing that the server got x2 in drop . I don't know how much time we need to ask the Admins to organize some events , like the Shugo ( Шиго ) event ; Is not that hard . And I'm pretty sure that we will never have a PvP event in this server , so we will have to do it on our behalf . Many of the players that left don't like to farm , and they want everything in one easy way ( pay to win ) , and fortunately our server is not providing such thing . I don't even want that they put in shop/any event the supplements of manastones 100% , that would just kill the sense of the game , and make it another random server of P2W. I would like to believe that all the players that left the server , they did it because it's summer time , and they want to get some black skin like I'm doing right now , other wise this is a bad sign for the server . KIZO , thank you for opening this topic . Akhilleus
  3. The 4K/60FPS gonna be able withing the next 2-3h Subtitles and better quality gonna be able in the next 24h 0:00-1:50 (Story of f Gladiator) 1:50-3:00 (Intro) 3:10-6:00 ( Editing ) 6:00-11:00 ( some duels ) 11:00-12:00 ( ending ) Hope you like it Akhilleus
  4. this is sickening! (4 k dp bug - AT)

    I would say something if that happens more than 1 time . I would have checked it 2-3 more times before I write to the forum . I will not criticize something just because '' it has failed one video '' . My question to you now , it is still giving you the same '' bug '' ? Or just happens one time ?
  5. this is sickening! (4 k dp bug - AT)

    About the remove shock , it's normal . Not a bug , but difference of ping ; I have to mention something else , even with 1000 resist stun , still there's one probability to stun ( penetration stun stats ) . In the case of the video , it's one difference of ping ( timing ) . There's one delay between using remove shock , and you get the buff . About DP I can't comment because I don't play AT . PD : Coming from Meiisbae , I can't waiting something else that see you crying and criticizing the game/server . I love you too )
  6. Maintenance: 25.04.2018

    Some people misunderstand the meaning of proxy-server . Proxy-server just change/improve the rooting of your Internet provider that comes by default . If you're having a shitty Internet or living on remote place in the moon there's no way you're going to improve your ping . The proxy server it's one kind gesture from the Admins , they are not forced to implement to improve your ping or something like that . The proxy does not do miracles , it's just MAY help . PS : Kaikoro , I love you and you know it
  7. Bad translating in shop ?

    Well I guess you miss the translation of some stuffs in the English Shop . ( Oh , you're racist ... 20% drop for English speakers for 30mn ? ( It's a joke , I hope you get it ) Greetings , Akhilleus
  8. Bad translating in shop ?

    Need to see if they have the same ID , thing that the shop web do not provide .
  9. Bad translating in shop ?

    Ofc they give the same stats . Just bad translated , I mean the administration should change the description , otherwise none gonna buy them
  10. Bad translating in shop ?

    I feel racism
  11. Password restore

    Hello! Thanks for implementing this new feature ''Password restore'' . I would like if you can add : Remember your login using you email too . Because if someone don't remember his login , can restore the account , and ALSO , if someone steal your name email and create one here with it , the real owner of the email can't use that email anymore . And as I saw creating accounts on this server do NOT require any confirmation email . Requests : 1- Restore login using email as well . 2- Create accounts only confirming it from the link in the mail . Greetings , Akhilleus.
  12. локализация сервера

    ### На русском ### Меня спросили '' где находиться сервер ''. Я уверен что в москве , и ещё написано здесь . ( посмотрите на фото ) , но если вы выберите страница на английском , там написано что сервер находится на West Europe ( Западная Европа ) . Что-то мне не понятно или просто не хорошо переводили локации . ### English ### Hello guys , feels good to write back in English . Well they asked me where the server was located , and I have said in Moscow of course , you can check in in the ''home section website'' ( in Russian language ) , well when you switch to English languages they say that the server '' Physically are located in West Europe " . I think I don't really get it , or bad translated . Thanks for explaining for the foreigner people where the server is located Greeting