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Сообщения, опубликованные Macguffin

  1. В 20/6/2019 в 20:06, Rejin01 сказал:

    In my opinion, we need medium/high rewards from siege and bastion and x2/4 exp cause nobody wants to level up in a month on a retroserver.
    2nd thing, @globosud and @faye are completely crazy, you want to gear up in an year? playing with your bm gear forever? whats the point of this? won't you get bored? I want to enjoy as much as I can the game having the full content in a short time, as it should be and as koreans always played.

    (hopefully it won't be ptw but as good as it was on the previous server)

    we will be waiting impatiently the release of the game, thanks for reading and cya in game :D 

    Reward boost + exp boost, thats the server I am looking for :)  Imo we can start 65 lvl xD And yea @globosud may have some time to waste

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