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  1. content in a short time, means that server will last a short time, the mmoprg are based on the achievement of the end gear, when you reach it in a month then usually the game is abandoned
    we saw goldaion that after 5 months he was dead, a any bug but dead, because the players had no reason to play, to craftig, to economy, because they had everything, and so I didn't even log in anymore, the mmo are not battleroyal
    i love open world pvp,  
    but if no player needs to play in the maps, the pvp will do it in 20 playes, as we saw on goldaion. The pvp is nice if there are players, the end gear is useless. I want player in front katalyze, which make garrisons, which go into the underground for the ancient coins
    , if we will have everything in a month, we will log in only to stay at san
    ctum / pandemonium into coliseum. this is my opinion
    for me aion by gameforge is a retroserver not goldaion.  

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  2. 5 часов назад, Shizo сказал:

    Russians are interested too? So the chat will still be almost full russian? :/ Don't do these kind of events anymore, giving free temperings/manastones on the new server.

    I played a bit of Aion Legend only, so I don't know well the life there, but let's think about one thing: what's that server offering so it has a larger playerbase(1.5-2k online), what's keeping ppl playing there?

    the players play on aion legend because reaching the end game without spending real money is very long but is ptw


    no. wonder half ceranium and ap in the siege and a bastion, and the exchange with the bm to take ceranium and enchant and serum. What you didn't take in bastion and in the siege, you recover it if you do the garrisons. These seem to me very easy to do. 

    so the players won't log in just to do bastion and siege, but they will populate the game at all hours


    I want the set to be done in the katalam, I said I would like the bm to be exchanged for ceranium and enchant. Garrisons must be fundamental to the game. For me the set end game is also fine in 10 days, but not being locked in bastion, but doing pvp open word, and doing ap

    in to the eye of tiamaranta

  5. I only ask that the players cannot reach the end game, simply doing bastion and siege, who wants the pvp set end game must do it in open world
    Then you can also put 10 days, if the player is good, I prefer to take the ceranium with the arenas, or with the pvp, and only in a small part closed in a pve instance, because I want to see the players in open world

  6. I proposed to exchange the bm, with enchant, serum, and other in fact. 
    when you finish the set, you will find new players who will do the garrisons, with which to do pvp


    we all played gold aion, I did the set end game in a month, the katalam was empty, we forgot? not even the serum event could repopulate it.


    tell me what is the point of making the set bm, if I can make the abyss in a month. What is the point of doing katalamyze, if I have the set abyss +15.


    I'm not interested  doing pvp with the set end game, in 4.6 I was able to do pvp at high levels even with the abyss 50, or set bm, what I want is that there are players, many in katalam, because of this patch  I only like that. But is my opinion. 

    then I am in favor of the pvp rankings, but I am tired of useless event.



    talk about things you don't know, aion legend is not retail version 4.6, set +20 can do it and more. As you wish the game will fail after a month, what is the katalamyze set for, if you have the set abyss 65 +15 with double manastones?

    when after a month of bastion pve I will be full set abyss + 15, you will not need any pve instance, because you will find the end game weapon at bastion pve, like everything else.


    you don't know aion, aion needs trade, crafting, economy, if you give everyone the set end game in a month, nobody will need events, because they will already have everything. History already seen on gold aion, events made them 20 players. If you want to do only duels, I repeat, not aion is the game for you. Aion retail version is pvp/pve. 

    you have to force the players to do pvp, otherwise they won't do it and we will always be the usual twenty to do it. 

    i repeat pvp needs the same set, not the set end game. 

    those who will be bored to do the set, are the same ones who will leave the game when they have the final set. Because, maybe aion is not the game for them

     all mmorpgs are abandoned when the end game is reached,   because the mmo is based on reaching the set end game,   especially if the patch is always the same. Those who love to do pvp with the set end game immediately prefer battle royals 

    also official aion, when they delay too much a new patch they abandon the game

    because they don't know what to do

    ,then they return when the new patch arrives ,. But gold aion will always be 4.6.  

     proposed to do on the website, a market for bm, so you can exchange bm for enchant, serum, mount and other


    I want those who arrive at the end game, then can find players with which to do pvp in the katalam and undergound. But the end game must have the right time and must not be reached with the only bastion pve e siege, but doing pvp in the open world.

    history already seen on gold aion, the players logged only to make bastion and siege and then only the desert



    if you hope that aion lives thanks to the events it is better that you change game, aion lives only if the people have the necessity to stay in the katalam, in danaria and underground, that's the beauty of aion, the events are repetitive and boring, any event of official aion was always disgusting. I repeat not aion already exists, if you do not like aion go there.


    the server is empty, because people have always logged in just to do bastion pve 4 ceranium, and siege other 4/12 ceranium for day. no player needed to do set bm, because in a month you could have end gear, only with pve. then they cried because there was no one in the katalam, but it is normal if you can do the set abyss 65 only with bastion pve e siege in fact then when everyone had the end gear, then they cried on the forum because they didn't know what to do in the game. The reality is that. End gear in 1 mounth works on a game like not aion with the system that resets the cd to make duels - Here that system will never be there.

  12. not aion is different, because it changed patches and because it had the system to reset the skill cd for duels. Goldaion's admin said there would never be that system here. Goldaion will always be 4.6 retail version.
    The pvp is done if there are many players and if the players have a reason to go to the katalam and danaria, if they log in  only to do bastion pve and the siege, then when they have the end gear, they won't know what to do, because in bastion pve you can't do pvp  and in siege pvp isn't fun. The 4.6 is fun only if you force the players to stay in the katalam and in danaria. Important for pvp dont is end gear but have the same gear.I dont want 
    that the new server will be like goldaion ru. where at 18/19 pm there were 1000 players online, and after the siege in game there were 100 players, and 
    there was not
     pvp in tiamaranta eye, katalam and underground.
    i prefer to do pvp in abyss 50 in katalam, eye, and underground, than to be full abyss 65 with all set +15 with double manastone and accessories +5 and then not knowing what to do, because you have no player to do pvp, as it is now goldaion ru, I have pg full end gear, but I write on the forum because in game there is nothing to do
    I know a lot of servers x 5 - x 10 x 50, but they are all empty. aion legend function because it is not like retail version 4.6, because on aion legend you can do set +20. I repeat doing the set end gear in a month only works on not aion. but this is now official, gold aion will never be like not aion.
    then many players played on not aion to learn pvp and to learn about new patches. Many players played at the same time both not aion and the official version. today that the 6.5 official version sucks also  not aion is empty

  13. 5 часов назад, Maromi сказал:

    tutti i tuoi suggerimenti sono esilaranti, questo set up è appropriato solo per "tu" e non per il normale ppl

    che ne pensi di costringerti a smettere di diffondere le tue idee scomode in tutto il forum?)))

    don't waste time judging the suggestions of others, if you don't like them, make other proposals. I'm curious to read your proposals


    For my opinon,  the important thing is to have a live katalam, for a good pvp the important thing is to have the same set. In the official server 6 years old with 4.6, we used to do pvp for a long time with the set bm because going solo in tiamaranta eye with 5k of player on the server was impossible, even making rank 1 ai siege was very difficult and at that time also bastion was very difficult. For final set you needed 1 year. In goldaion ru, I didn't need to do anything, because my set abyss was fine for everything.


    on gold aion the players logged into the server only to do bastion and siege, and then they moved out. I hope the new server will be different, and all content will have same importance

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  15. hi 

    on the official game, when I played in 2013 at 4.6, before finishing the abyss, I made my set battlemedal + 10, on the official aion 4.6 they played 5k players, it was difficult during the siege to make rank 1 and take 4 ceranium, the players had difficulty doing bastion at that time, there were few guilds that managed to finish bastion, it took a long time before we went to set abyss. when I played on goldaion, in two months I was full abyss, because in the eye of tiamaranta, we were few, and so I did 1kk of abyss point a day, on the officer at that time, it was impossible we were so many to divide the keys there was very pvp it was impossible farrming of abyss point in solo. If you do not follow my advice, it will also be so on goldaion eu, and I assure you that in 6 months you will have the same problems you had with gold aion ru. Resetting the rank is useless, even negative, but making the equip, the drop of ceranium longer will be much better. I play in aion from 10 YEARS, and on gold from the beginning. trust me. The players are experts they know 4.6, they know all the instances, in a very short time they will do all the instances and in 3 months many players will no longer know what to do in the game, and therefore they will not need to go to the katalam and the eye, don't will be more pvp and the server will be empty. and everyone crying on the forum to ask for events, but you already know that, when players don't know what to do, no event will change that, and everyone will go to other servers

  16. I re-write, becouse for me  only if you make these changes will the server last long. and with many players

    if you leave everything as the official patch, you will have full abyss player in 3 months, and those players will leave the game in 6 months, because they will have nothing to do anymore. In conclusion I tell you the most important points.

    1) Siege and bastion rewards of half compared to the official server.

    2) Forcing players to play in battle medal sets, for at least 6 months 1 year with less chance of making ceranium.

    3) Enter serums only 6mounths/ 1 year after the server is opened

    4) insert the double manastones 6mounths/ 1 year after opening the server.

    5)  to create two markets on the site web , 1 for euro and 1 for battle medal. For example, the possibility of exchanging on the site, a medal battle number for an enchant, or for a manastone and for a mount or for a box for extend weapon. In this way the katalam would always be alive and therefore also the pvp 

    Remember if katalam  dies, the server closes

  17. I re-write, becouse for me  only if you make these changes will the server last long. and with many players

    if you leave everything as the official patch, you will have full abyss player in 3 months, and those players will leave the game in 6 months, because they will have nothing to do anymore. In conclusion I tell you the most important points.

    1) Siege and bastion rewards of half compared to the official server.

    2) Forcing players to play in battle medal sets, for at least 6 months 1 year with less chance of making ceranium.

    3) Enter serums only 6mounths/ 1 year after the server is opened

    4) insert the double manastones 6mounths/ 1 year after opening the server.

    5)  to create two markets on the site web , 1 for euro and 1 for battle medal. For example, the possibility of exchanging on the site, a medal battle number for an enchant, or for a manastone and for a mount or for a box for extend weapon. In this way the katalam would always be alive and therefore also the pvp and the server.

    Remember if katalam  dies, the server closes