
Популярный контент

Показан наиболее популярный контент 18.06.2019 во всех областях

  1. 1 балл
    still that is not gonna happen couse they'll have to rework the game IF they don't do it through specific events like giving rewards from arena wins or open world kills, but still people will need bastion and sieges for the most of the ap/ceranium couse that's still the best and faster way to do them
  2. 1 балл
    i am agree to indroduce serum late in game, not from the start, do like x2 for siege reward, and x2 for bastion, people in eu don't like to farm a lot for their pvp gear. if they have to farm for like 6mounth only for endgame gear, and after they have to upp and manastone it they will leave the game as faster as possible becouse there's no reason to farm so much for a gear in a retroserver. people come in retro becouse or they are nostalgic, they want someplace to ranking or just do pvp, so you should do something like resetting gp about every 2-3 mounth, do some arena ranking with reward like serum or double manastane, do a shop in game with battle medal and also ceranium when people is quite full gear with serum or hight level enchant or extend weapon. for incentivate the pvp u shuld do some permanent event pvp with a pvp ranking list, and the first for each class will take gg reward. try to balance the faction and also don't remouve 2x after some time, becouse if some one want to reroll faction or class or also for new player will becoume so hard to set, and also more important things sponsorize more in eu, do a forum in english, is so hard to find information in eu
  3. 1 балл
    the thing you really can't understand is that reducing the rates is not giving people incentives to pvp in ow, they'll just go for pve and bastion and siege again and again, exactly what you're tryin to avoid
  4. 1 балл
    ok so basically aion legend that is still 4.6 and they got gear cap a lot of time ago should be dead by now if everyone was thinking as you do, but it doesn't seem like that since i think you're the only one that really don't know the game, and still you didn't get that if the server will launch like you're proposing it will be dead a lot faster than you think couse the majority of the player are those people you say that will quit couse they want to gear up fast, if you're happy to play with 20 people in the whole server you're free to it on the russian client, don't waste this opportunity that a lot of players are looking forward to. Eu players don't want to do only pvp or only pve (and so do I) but gearing up for 1 year to able to be full katalamize regarding pve, nobody wants to play a game where there is just pve and siege, and that's what is goin to happen if they'll do as you're sayin, so stop complaining please or you'll end up playing by yourself in here, couse nobody cares of that experience that you wanna do now, maybe 10 years ago the players wanted to craft and gather everything and spend countless hours of their life just for a game, but it's no more like that, give us a rest and go playing wow if you like grinding.
  5. 1 балл
    @Legkodostupnyi(Roma)First of all there is a HUGE different between wanting to spend hours in the game and being able to. You do have to understand that the majority of the people that are coming to play here are just nostalgic players, if you think that who works or study does have that much time to spend over a game then why should that guy pick gold aion and not going to the official servers? You're just thinking that if a game requires ages to be completed everyone will like it, i'm sorry to notice you but most of the players will get bored in some months, if you make the gearing up process so long then most of the players will just give it up and move on. And again, I did say that events are the best things that you can do but giving "adequate" prices for those events are decisions up to the administration, if they want to slow it down I'll be totally good, let's say by not giving suddenly and in any easy way tempering solutions and hard stuff to get, if you think that the eu players are lazy then you're wrong, we just don't want to waste uselessly our time, but feel free to waste yours, I mean.. i won't stop you. @globosudSo in your opinion making drop events or pvp events in Katalam/Danaria/Idian Depths isn't the way people are gonna stay there, am i right? Is it better for you to just leave everyone stuck to bm gear for endless times just for your own sake? Just stop with this useless arguing over it. You do complain about something that isn't even a point. Yes people would pvp more and do more stuff if the Katalam is alive BUT STILL if you're thinking that everyone will stay in katalam just couse they are still with bm gear then you're the farest possible from the truth... what would happen after you get all your bm gear (in 2 weeks)? you'll have to socket it and enchant it, things for which there is no use to stay in katalam/danaria/idian depths tho. So in your mind doing camps once every week and then not doing anything else beside pve/daily q/siege and bastion is that different from what everyone else has been doing till now on the RU server? Greetings.
  6. 1 балл
    i'm not tryin to point out any kind of difference between russian players and eu players, it's just that you're asking informations to eng players in a russian website for a server that you guys specified that will have a eu base community and also is setted in Fulkenstein, it's already hard to get some decent news about this new server in any way to anyone who's been playing aion for a while and mostly on 4.x patches are coming back nostalgic people, those guys don't want to grind much, they want to get something that makes them able to play with others even if they now work or whatever... if you really want to know for good infos from the eu players just try to publish more both gold aion and the forum itself, or idk open a reddit page bout this, the thing is that this is not the way you should be asking for opinions, you're just taking some ideas for sure that you already established and making us know that the server will go that way. I'm talking for myself and for a lot of people i barely mentioned that there were a new gold aion eu server incoming, everyone was hyped, like a lot, but if you do make the mistake of not publicizing for good to the eu community it's gonna be a complete fail, and i'm telling this even tho i'm probably one of the most hyped people about this new server, so please do not fuck it up. Thanks
  7. 1 балл
    Oh right, retailers always enjoy killing ungeared trash
  8. 1 балл
    I might be reacting on this a bit late, but oh well... I'm playing here together with my friend casually, I mean like 2 times a week, because we both are adults with family, work, and other interests. We appreciate that we can play on a server that throws us back to a time when Aion was a lot of fun, and we could take our time to gear up, level crafting, make money etc. Sadly we really can't spend more time just a few hours per week. I assume there are other players like us (who are around age 30) who come here for the nostalgia, and also can't afford spending hours every day playing, and if they do, they might want to make it a quality time instead of doing dailies to grind for gears, then log off. Resetting their achievments would be a bit much... From my experience... games start going downhill when they start catering to those few people who spend 10 hours playing a day, level/gear up in less than a week, then do nothing but sit in chat the whole day and complain about being bored. There's nothing we can do about them. IMO it's not normal to consume a game so fast and then expecting the games to adjust their content to these players, when there are also players who take their time, enjoy the scenery, do the quests or just do some casual crafting and whatnot. So as for my opinion, I'm just hoping GoldAion will be around for a long time, because our casual playstyle won't make us rush through the game and get bored soon. There's still a lot of things we want to do, regardless if there will be any changes with a new EU server or not. I know this is not a direct answer on the question, I just wanted to share my own viewpoint to show that there are players like this too.
  9. 1 балл
    not aion still best server for EU there isnt atm other. before 6.0 it had always 200 online, in 4.6 also had many 250+ online and thousand registered players playing. but there isnt any eu server anymore expect not aion that is dying from version 6.5 almost noone like in EU/NA, there were some servers that were online for few nights then off cus noone liked retail like in EU. only EU server is beyond aion and its peak 40 player, dead german pve server and not aion only left also dead since 6.0. edit: almost noone expect pve player like farm in EU PRIVATE server, or maybe some retail players ^^
  10. 1 балл
    it's true that the high speed of the gearing up process will make people leave the game faster, but having such a slow gearing up process on a non official server will also make most of the players quit A LOT faster than what you guys can expect, couse they are looking for places where to play chill, not some other crap like retail to tryhard, if you increase the time that everyone has to spend in order to gear up then there is really no point in chosing gold aion over something else since "as my point of view": i don't really like doing 1000 sieges in order to just make a decent gear for pvp that is the main feature of the patch, adding events (not afk ones) that are providing usefull rewards through PvPvE contents (such as number of pvp kills or open world bosses) and yeah resetting ranks for glory points as well but not too often would be really a nice improvements, and also the idea that @globosud explained before was a really good one! i mean the one of making a Battle Medal/Blood Mark shop that surely would increase the activity rate in both Katalam and Danaria. Another huge topic is the faction balance, just try to check on the server status the more often that you can in order to avoid what happened on the russian one from the beginning. Even tho my proposal is aiming to not making the gearing up process slow at all, I still find myself agreeing to what's said before about the serums, they shouldn't be able to be taken before 6 months or so from the beginning of the server, couse they should be obtainable only through events (and still at a low percentage in my opinion). Hoping that this can clarify what me and a lot of other players are truly searching from a retroserver, greetings.