
Популярный контент

Показан наиболее популярный контент 07.09.2018 в Сообщения

  1. 1 балл
    Dear Support Team. Could u please open all back pack slot? i mean Expand all Cube? and also make unlimited flying time please ?
  2. 1 балл
    После рестарта, который будет выполнен сегодня в 02:00 по Мск, время проведения ивента изменится. Дроп из мобов будет доступен в период с 12:00 до 15:00 и с 18:00 до 23:00 по Мск. Так же, внесены минимальные правки в награды - изменено количество маг. камней и волш. камней, уровни волш. камней. В каждом из сундуков (в лучшую сторону). По этому, рекомендуем не открывать сундуки до рестарта.
  3. 1 балл
    Скриншот бывших персонажей Мы играем с полным погружением)
  4. 1 балл
    Long-time Aion player here. I quit retail back when 5.0 came out a few years ago and I saw this server was patch 4.6. What a great time to play Aion! Patches 2.xx and 3.xx were also very good, but for PvE nothing beats 4.xx with several good dungeons. Few questions (and at least one of these should go under technical, but I didn't want to forum spam) -- I have Left-click to rotate camera selected in my settings, but whenever I try to rotate it with left click it just snaps into a weird position really fast. For years I have used this, to look around while running or flying. Is there something I can do to fix this? Also, my latency is high ( I play from the US). I used to use Battleping as a proxy to play on the laggy US servers. Is BP good to use for the server here or is there a better program to use? Oh, I found this server by watching a video of a guy named Akihleus or something like that. I suggest that you do some advertising on google if people search "aion private server." This will get a lot more english speakers here because that is how most of us search. I just got lucky finding the video, otherwise I would never know about this awesome place. Thank you for making this server and I will be donating soon! edit: I just wanted to add that I really like the 2x rate. Some server are too fast or slow.. I like to have fun while leveling and this is a really good speed.
  5. 1 балл
    So you can delete system.cfg and SystemOptionGraphics.cfg from main folder. After starting these files will be created as default.
  6. 1 балл
    Yahooo.. thanks a lot .. purrfect
  7. 1 балл
  8. 1 балл
    К сожалению, вам придется смириться с данной недоработкой. В некоторых местах имеются ресурсы, которые невозможно собрать. Это косяк со стороны разработчиков, повлиять на такие моменты мы практически не можем.